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Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships

Director: David Woods 
Colston Hall [CO], Room 504 | Phone: 718.289.5700

The Office of Financial Aid administers federal, state and college funded aid programs and all students are encouraged to apply for assistance.

Each applicant should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA and the TAP application) by April 15th of each year.

Please use the FAFSA link at to file your FAFSA and TAP applications online each year.

The FAFSA six-digit federal code for Bronx Community College is 002692. The TAP four-digit state code is 1400.

You can contact the Financial Aid Office by calling 718.289.5700, emailing financial  with any questions you may have, or stop by our office, which is located in Colston Hall [CO], Room 504.

We encourage all students to apply early in order to maximize their eligibility for financial aid. All students must reapply for financial aid every academic year. Please note that if your FAFSA data has changed from the prior year, you will need to update your information to reflect the specified tax year.

Once the FAFSA application has been processed, you will receive an email from the federal processor and from CUNYFirst. The information reported on the FAFSA is subject to verification by the Financial Aid Office in any given year. If you have been chosen for verification, your financial aid cannot be processed until documentation has been submitted for additional review. The Financial Aid Office will contact you via email and in CUNYFirst Self-Service, you will have tasks in the “To Do List” with the required documentation you may need to submit for review.


Financial Aid Eligibility

In order to be eligible for federal and state aid, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident or eligible non- citizen

  • Meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standard for federal and state student aid programs

  • Have a valid Social Security Number

  • Have a high school diploma or have a high school equivalency diploma (GED) or are a state-approved home school graduate

  • Not be in default of a Federal loan or owe an overpayment on a federal grant or Federal Perkins Loan


Students should aim to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress by keeping the following GPA Requirements:

  • Less than 12 Credits = minimum of 1.5 GPA

  • Less than 24 Credits = minimum of 1.75 GPA

  • 25 Credits (or 4 semesters) = minimum of 2.0 GPA

Pace of Progress
You must make satisfactory academic progress in your program of study to continue receiving federal financial aid at BCC.

There are 3 parts to the college’s federal satisfactory academic progress standard:

  1. Minimum GPA — You must have the GPA needed to meet the college’s minimum retention standard (that is, you cannot be on academic probation, special probation or academic dismissal).

  2. Maximum Time-frame — You may not attempt more than 150% of the credits normally required to earn your degree (that is, you cannot attempt more than 90 credits to earn 60).

  3. Pace of Progression — You must successfully complete a certain percentage of the total number of credits that you attempt according to the following table:

Credits Attempted

Credits Earned





























If you require a Financial Aid (SAP) appeal, the student would have been notified by the Office of Financial Aid. When a Financial Aid (SAP) Appeal is required, this means that the student did not meet Satisfactory Academic Progress.

In order for Financial Aid to be reinstated, the student must file a Financial Aid (SAP) Appeal. The student MUST also file a FAFSA application and complete any checklist items on your record to receive financial aid if your appeal is granted. Additionally, if your Financial Aid (SAP) appeal is granted, the student must adhere to the guidelines that were placed on their Academic Plan.

Please note, filing a SAP appeal does not guarantee an automatic approval and reinstatement of financial aid. When a student submits an SAP Appeal, the following documents are needed:

  • A completed SAP Web Form

  • Personal statement explaining past performance and indicating a change in the circumstances

  • Supporting Documentation

  • Realistic (C+ predictive) academic plan

If you need assistance with submitting a Financial Aid (SAP) Appeal, you should contact your academic advisor. For questions regarding the Financial Aid (SAP) Appeal process you may contact the Office of Financial Aid at 718.289.5700 or via e-mail at

Federal Title IV Financial Aid Appeal Process
Students must be making Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) towards completing an Associate Degree or a federally aid approved certificate program in order to remain eligible for Federal Financial Aid. The following is a list of all the SAP requirements:

  • Minimum GPA

  • Pace of Progress

  • Maximum Time Frame

Reasons for Appeal
Appeals will be evaluated to determine if events are beyond a student’s control. The following is a list of some unforeseen circumstances:

  • Situation resulting from personal illness or injury

  • Death in the family

  • Loss of employment

  • Changes in student academic program

In addition, the student’s academic history will be considered to determine if there is a reasonable expectation that the student can meet the standard.

Submitting an Appeal

In accordance with Federal Title IV regulations, students may appeal their eligibility for Title IV funds by submitting an appeal with supporting documentation to the College Committee on Financial Aid Standing (CCFAS) by the specified deadline date. A student’s appeal must include:

Appeal Statement: A typed explanation for not meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and what has changed in your situation to allow you to meet the appropriate progress standard in a future evaluation.Supporting Documentation: To validate the students typed appeal statement.

Academic Plan: A prepared plan by an academic advisor to ensure a student will achieve completion of degree or certificate program requirements or will make substantial progress toward program completion for the terms. 

Completed Appeal Web Form: If you meet the stated guidelines for appeal, complete the Federal Title IV Financial Aid Eligibility Appeal Web Form and upload your academic plan and supporting documents via CUNYFirst and Student Forms.

Appeal Granted
An approved appeal would result in the granting of a one-semester probation period for you to improve your academic record to meet the appropriate standard for the degree program in which you are enrolled.

At the end of the probationary semester, the College Committee on Financial Aid Standing must review the student’s academic progress to determine whether the student has met the SAP standard and has fulfilled the requirements specified in the student’s academic plan.

Once academic progress has been met after each term, the student will continue to receive Title IV assistance until the next scheduled SAP evaluation – end of Spring semester.

Appeal Denied
If you choose to remain enrolled without the receipt of Title IV Federal student assistance, you may request a review of your academic record at the end of the following semester to determine whether you have met the appropriate SAP standard.

Students will be measured against all three components of the SAP standard as stated above in order to meet the requirements for Satisfactory Academic Progress. This will be done on an annual basis, at the end of the spring term, to determine eligibility for the receipt of Federal Title IV Student Financial Assistance for the upcoming academic year.

Readmitted students - based on their prior academic performance, will need to appeal if they are not meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) upon readmission to the College.


Federal Pell Grant
The Pell award amounts are based on whether a student enrolled full time – 12 or more equated units (credits), three-quarter (3/4) time - 9-11 equated units (credits), halftime - 6-8 equated units (credits), or less than halftime - 1-5 equated unit (credits) by the Financial Aid “Census Date” – the seventh day of the term.

If you drop from one or more of your classes after the first week of classes but before the official withdrawal date listed on the college academic calendar you will receive a grade of WD and if attended the course(s) and remain with at least 1.0 tuition unit through 5.5 tuition units, the amount of Pell funds you receive for the term/ session may be recalculated. If this amount is less than the amount you are charged or credited towards tuition/ fees and a book advance, you will immediately have to pay the difference to the college.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Federal Perkins Loan (FPL), Federal Work Study (FWS)
If the class or classes you withdraw from by the official withdrawal date reduce(s) your enrollment status to less than half-time status (check the Academic Calendar for withdrawal date) you will not receive any funds for the term from these programs. If you work in the Federal Work Study Program, you must stop working the day you withdraw, officially or unofficially or dropped below half-time status.

Federal Direct Loan Program (FDL)
You must maintain at least a half-time enrollment status throughout the semester to be considered for Federal Direct Loan programs. If you drop to less than half-time status, you immediately start using your grace period and must go online to to complete the Exit Counseling and contact your loan servicer about your repayment options.

Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)
If you withdraw from part or all of your classes after the first day of classes but before the last day of the tuition refund period (check the Academic Calendar for all important dates), your TAP award will be recalculated based on the amount of tuition liability. You will use a semester’s worth of TAP eligibility and you may lose TAP eligibility for future semesters depending on New York State’s standards for Progress and Pursuit.

If you withdraw from part or all of your classes after the last day of the tuition refund period (check the Academic Calendar for all important dates) you will receive your full TAP award credited towards tuition for the semester, but you may lose TAP eligibility for future semesters depending on New York State’s standards for Progress and Pursuit.

College Discovery Program
Entering First-time freshmen can be permitted to register as a Special Programs students prior to the documentation of their eligibility, but cannot receive Special Programs funds until program eligibility is confirmed.

Special Program economic eligibility review applies only to first-time incoming freshmen. Once admitted to College Discovery, students may continue to receive services in subsequent years as needed, regardless of changes in the family’s income. However, to receive and to continue to receive College Discovery funding, students must demonstrate need by filing FAFSA and NYS TAP applications appropriate to the academic year for which funding is desired.

Students are required to be enrolled as full-time. However, there are exceptions. College Discovery Director may give written approval for students to carry only courses needed for graduation in the student’s last semester of enrollment, even if it is less than full time and for students who have other extenuating circumstances.

Total Withdrawals and the Return of Title IV Funds
Students earn their Financial Aid based on the period of time they remain enrolled. 

  • Any student attending Bronx Community College who totally withdraws either officially or unofficially during the first 60% of the term/session and is receiving Federal Title IV Funds (Pell, SEOG, Federal Loans, etc.) will be subject to federal regulations regarding the amount of their financial aid entitlement. If students enrolled for the summer or winter session(s) do not complete ALL sessions, their financial aid eligibility will be affected as well.

  • The percentage of federal financial aid granted is based on the official date of withdrawal from class and is calculated based on a formula mandated by the federal government. If a student unofficially withdraws and attended courses he or she will earn 50% of their federal aid.

Students will owe the college if:

  • Any portion of their tuition and fees, book advance and/or loan is not paid by financial aid.

  • They are no longer eligible for the Financial Aid they received in advance due to registration changes or non-attendance.

Students who remain enrolled beyond the 60% point of the term are considered to have earned all their aid and do not have to return any Title IV funds.